Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Blogging in Kindergarten

I love the idea of blogging in my classroom. At this point with the little kinders, I see a blog being a whole group activity, this way the class is collaborating together to create the content. Having a blog as a class will not only let the students create a space about the things they are learning but they will then get to go home and reflect on that learning and show their parents.  Morgan (2015) says that "[Blogs create] features that promote collaboration, blogs encourage reflective learning and a deeper understanding of content" (pg. 28).  The students would take pride in a blog that if used effectively could increase their learning significantly.

One of the ISTE Teacher Standards that I feel this implementation in my classroom will meet is to "Promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness" (Standards). Web 2.0 tools are something that is new in education. By using a blog it is thinking outside of the box and creates a new way of learning for the students.  Another Teacher Standard it meets is to  "Collaborate with students, peers, parents and community members using digital tools and resources to support using digital tools and resources to support student success and innovation" (Standards).  It will give the students a chance to collaborate together and reflect on what they are learning. As well as bring the parents in the loop and support their learning at home.

One of the Student Standards that this would meet is, "Students engage in positivesafelegal and ethical behavior when using technology, including social interactions online or when using networked devices." (ISTE Standards).  As a whole group we would be discussing safe behavior and I would be modeling it as well.  Along with that it would also meet, Students publish or present content that customizes the message and medium for their intended audiences"Students choose the appropriate platforms and tools for meeting the desired objectives of their creation or communication" (ISTE Standards).  Getting to choose different media tools to add into our blog, photos, audio or writting will give the students the chance to explore what would be appropriate for whatever lesson we are on.


ISTE Standards FORSTUDENTS. (n.d.). Retrieved May 17, 2017, from


Standards for Teachers. (n.d.). Retrieved May 17, 2017, from


  1. I love the idea of whole group blogging. What a great introduction to the experience. I am wondering about keeping the attention of all the students into the process at once. Is there value in having a student of the week/day? This student could lead out in the blog post decided through guided teacher questions what they would like to post or what their class needs to share.
    Another option could be to have a class blog with smaller group blog pages for students to submit their favourite projects to through a break out, centre style teacher time. Maybe this would extend the ownership beyond just the class to the individual student.
    I have used the student of the day as a behaviour modification tool and this is also something that could be added to the blog. All student names are placed in a jar and a name is chosen in the morning and kept secret until the end of the day. If that student had a successful day they earned a prize of whatever the teacher determines. If the chosen student was not successful, the name is placed back in the jar without anyone knowing who it was (except the teacher). This “winner” could be posted on the blog and they could earn the student blogger title for the next day.
    There are so many options available these days! I look forward to seeing more of your awesome ideas.

  2. Shared writing is a great way to utilize blogging in your classroom. I wonder how engaged the class would stay during this time. It seems kids are more excited about technology when they are allowed to use it. I know kindergarten is a year with little independent work but I have a few ideas. You could use blogging as a part of your guided writing practice with your students. Working one on one with a student and guiding them through the writing process. Their families would be very impressed to see their student have their own blog.

    Another idea to get your kids exposed to the keyboard and posting would be for them to type out their spelling words or high frequency words they were working on. This would allow the parents to see them at home and the student will get extra practice with spelling, fine motor skills, and computer navigation.

  3. I agree with you blogging as a group in the class which will promote collaboration and improve critical thinking of learners. But my worry would be how to maintain good language of communication. No use of abusive language.
    It may be controlled by having a lesson about language usage and blog etiquette.
